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          【Hello World, I'm Lanzhou】The darker the night gets, the more fascinating Lanzhou is



          During this summer, travel in Lanzhou has gone viral again. Especially the Zhongshan Bridge at night attract many tourists. The Zhongshan Bridge is thronged with visitors while the Jincheng Pass is lit up by the shimmering lights. Beneath the bridge, the sightseeing boats are cruising along the rippling river.

           Innovative flash mob performances of Dunhuang dance and music are also eye-feasting. Lanzhou in the evening illuminates the darkness with brilliant lights. The darker the night gets, the more fascinating Lanzhou is!

          蘭州日報社全媒體記者 汪霺 見習記者 溫紀超 實習生 劉家彤 馮路珈 文/視頻
